OpenVMS Backup, Transfer, and Storage Solutions
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Solutions for OpenVMS and Windows
KnapSac performs extremely fast backups for  OpenVMS VAX, Alpha, and Integrity systems,  using a Windows computer as the backup storage device
FCX is available for  AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Linux, and Windows as well as OpenVMS.  
Compact Data Works specializes in providing extremely fast software solutions for backup, disaster recovery, file transfer, and storage applications. Highly optimized data compression techniques are used to minimize the amount of I/O and file storage. The resulting speed is truly amazing and accounts for why these products are running on thousands of OpenVMS computers around the world.
Disk to Disk Backup Remote and Network Backup Remote Disk Duplication Disaster recovery File Transfer Self-expanding Files
Backup OpenVMS disks to Windows File Transfer OpenVMS to Windows Store OpenVMS BACKUP Tapes on Windows disk Archive OpenVMS files on Windows Store OpenVMS files on Windows
30 day trial available FCX fast file compression
Copy OpenVMS files to Windows Convert OpenVMS file format to Windows file format Store OpenVMS files on Windows Store OpenVMS BACKUP tape savesets on Windows Read OpenVMS BACKUP tapes on Windows Retrieve files from OpenVMS BACKUP tapes on Windows Retrieve files from BACKUP disk savesets on Windows
fast file compression
openVMS solutions network backup Tapecopy provides a way to read OpenVMS Backup savesets on a Windows computer and convert files within the savesets to Windows files.    The savesets can reside on tape or disk. All OpenVMS file types are supported, including RMS indexed files. Home Home
KnapSac can backup an OpenVMS disk up to 20 times faster than a disk to disk backup using the native backup utility.
using OpenVMS and Windows together openvms to windows migration
BacPac performs extremely fast local and remote backups to disk and tape for OpenVMS VAX, Alpha, and Integrity systems.  Its remote disk duplication feature allows faster recovery at Dr sites.
NetCopy provides a fast way to copy OpenVMS files to Windows computers without requiring FTP or Pathworks.
store VMS backup tapes on Windows!!!!