Compact Data Works © Copyright 2013-2014 Compact Data Works
Incorporated in 1980, Innovative Computer Systems (now Compact Data Works) was a small consulting company specializing in OpenVMS. This was before the Alpha - in the time of VMS Version 4. We had offices in New Jersey and Los Angeles. For several years, we transfered a lot of files back and forth and with clients. As a result, to help ourselves, we developed a file compression tool we called FCX. It was rudimentary but it worked. Many of our clients were very interested in what we were using to transfer files. Then in 1987, we decided to get serious about FCX and turn it into a product. Not as easy as we thought, but we persevered and in 1988 introduced FCX to the OpenVMS marketplace. Our first customer, a company in the Silicon valley, still uses FCX today. FCX is currently being used on thousands of computers all around the world. Today, FCX is available for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Linux, and Windows, as well as OpenVMS for the VAX, AXP and IA64. We may be reached at the following address: Compact Data Works, Inc. 9111 Crosspark Dr., Ste D-200 Knoxville, TN 37923 Email: info@compacdata.com Phone: 800-848-4329 Fax: 888-423-4891  
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